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7 things poor people do that the rich don't./ SetKnowledgeOwn

7 Things Poor People Do That The Rich Don't.

1. Number one, poor people watch TV, and rich people read books.

How many hours you spend in front of the TV,and when was the last fucking time you read a book?How many books do you read per year?

2. Number two, poor people get paid based on time, rich people get paid based on results.

 Let's say you're working at McDonalds, you may be the best floor cleaner on the planet ever, but what value do you bring to McDonald? Rich people, we get paid based on results, not time invested.Auto Deals

Let's say we're working on a product, we spent a year creating, perfecting the product, we bring it to the marketplace, and it sucks,it bombs, it doesn't make us a dime. The world doesn't give a fuck. We don't make money. Nobody cares how much time, blood, sweat,

and tears were put into creating a product and bring it to the marketplace. How much risk that we take, they don't care.What they care is results. That's why the highest paid athletes in the world, they don't get paid by how many hours they practice, how many times they invested, no, it is how much they perform. They get paid based on performance.

3. Number three, poor people, they blame others for their misfortunes. Rich people, we take responsibility for our own failures.

You see, for poor people it's always somebody else's fault. It's the economy, it's the government, it's my boss, it's my job, it's my city, it's my neighbor, it's my friends. It's always somebody else. It's never their own fucking fault. Rich people, we take responsibility. 

If your life stinks it's your fault. We take responsibility for own action.Figpin Coupon Code When you take responsibility, what happens is you gain power. The power to change. The power to do something different. Remember, lame people blame people.

4. Number four, poor people focus on saving, and rich people focus in investing.

You know what?

Don't drink that Starbucks coffee in the morning, try to save a few dollars in here and there. Don't fly first class, fly economy. Always try to save a few dollars. Well, here's the thing, a penny saved is still a fucking penny. You're not gonna get rich by trying to save a few bucks. You don't have a saving problem,Yeti Promo Code Reddit you have an income problem. You need to earn a lot more money, so you could invest.

5. Number five, poor people, they know it all. Rich people continuously to learn.

You see, poor people are always very opinionated. They always want to tell the world about their opinions, about politics, about sports, about the society, about the government, about every single thing that's around them. Versus being humble, willing to learn. Rich people, we're always learning. We're asking questions, we are listening, we are reading books, continuous learning. Versus, saying that I've got an opinion about fucking everything. You know why they always have an opinion, poor people? 

Because the only way to get little bit of fucking attention. No different, I can see people, they're watching my video, and I just look at that and I laugh. And they comment, oh, you shouldn't close this way, you should close that way,Coupon Grabber just say this. When was the last time you fucking closed something? Show me. When's the last time you closed something for 500 fucking dollars? $1,000? $2,000 $5,000? $10,000? $100,000? What the fuck have you done? So your opinion doesn't count. Remember, your income can only grow to the extent that you do. Your wealth can only grow as fast as you do.

6. Number six, poor people believe that money is the root of all evil. 

Rich people, we believe that poverty is the root of all evil. You've heard of the saying, "Money is the root of all evil." No, lack of money is the root of all evil. I want you to look at the poorest neighborhoods. I want you to think about those areas. Crime, drug, problems, all kinds of issues.

You see, in the history of mankind, no banks been robbed by someone pulling up in a Rolls-Royce. It is the survival, it's the lack of money, that's causing the issue. Money itself is neutral. Money is like a tool, you can use it for good, or you can use it for evil. It is all up to you.

7. Number seven, poor people they have lottery mentality, and rich people, we have action mentality.

You see, most people, they believe the only way to get rich is buying that lottery ticket. Even though they know that the chance of winning is slim to none, but they buy that fantasy. Hopefully, if I win I'm gonna buy that house, I'm gonna quit that job, I'm gonna take that vacation.Figpin Coupon Code

No, rich people have an action mentality. We believe if it's going to be it is up to me. I'm gonna make it happen. I'm gonna make myself successful. I don't need to rely on some third party, and I definitely don't need to rely on some lottery ticket. I'm gonna make it happen.

So those are the seven things that poor people do that the rich don't.


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