10 Habits Of Highly Successful People. Why are some people more successful than the others? You see, you don't decide your future. You decide your habits, and your habits decide your future. No one succeeds overnight, and no one fails overnight. Success is nothing more than the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. Today I want to share with you the 10 successful habits that I have learned and developed over the years. Of Highly Successful Peoples. 1. Habit number one, effective individuals assume 100 percent liability. For their own life. I was battling, I was in my 20s. I had recently bombed my thirteenth business. I had begun and fizzled at 13 organizations. Also, in those days I was lost. What's more, I was accusing, I was accusing all the other things. Also, when I met my most memorable tutor, Alan, when he plunked down with me and he posed me the inquiry, "Dan, what's not working?" I said, "Everything isn't working!" "I'm...
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